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Version: v2.0

Setup the SDK

For the rest of this tutorial, we will setup the Formance SDK in your favourite language.

The SDK will help you to interact with the Formance API and integrate it with your application.

Create OAuth client credentials

To use the Formance API, you need to create an OAuth client credentials. This is done using fctl.

fctl auth client create getting-started-client

This will create a new OAuth client credentials with the name getting-started-client. You can use any name you want.

This outputs something similar to the following:

You are about to create a new OAuth2 client.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]: y
ID | 6a936dfe-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-9019a1e9b9e3
Name | getting-started-client
Description |
Public | No
Redirect URIs |
Post logout redirect URIs |
Scopes |

The ID is the OAuth client ID. You will need this to authenticate with the Formance API.

Then create a new OAuth client secret:

fctl auth client secrets create 6a936dfe-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-9019a1e9b9e3 getting-started-secret

This outputs something similar to the following:

You are about to create a new client secret.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]: y
ID | 3bddd5f6-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-e8cd839c9d79
Name | getting-started-secret
Clear | 20bd58c4-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-dc05258bc959

The Clear is the OAuth client secret. You will need this to authenticate with the Formance API.

Save the client secret

The client secret is only shown once. Make sure to save it somewhere safe.

If you lose it, you will need to create a new one.

Retrieve the API endpoint

Every Formance stack has a unique API endpoint. You can retrieve yours using fctl.

fctl stack show --name=playground

Replace playground with the name of your stack if it is different.

This outputs something similar to the following:

# Information
ID | wxyz |
Name | playgreound |
Region | aws-eu-west-1-sandbox |
Status | ACTIVE |
Effective status | READY |

# Versions
Webhooks | 0.7.1 |
Orchestration | 0.1.7 |
Auth | 0.4.4 |
Wallets | 0.4.6 |
Ledger | v1.10.13 |
Payments | 0.9.7 |
Search | 0.10.0 |

# Metadata | Yes

The API endpoint is the host section of the URL. In this case, it is

Pick a language

Setup the Formance SDK in your TypeScript / JavaScript project.